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Our Story

How we got started

Long ago, prior to founding Clearview Landscaping, Chris Hulme first began serving Goleta and Santa Barbara home owners with home improvement services in the mid to late ’80’s.


What started out as a way for Chris to scrape together enough money to buy a little Honda 50cc motorcycle when he was in grade school has in many ways blossomed into Santa Barbara’s premier landscaping contractor. In the early 90’s Chris had already expanded from one-off jobs like stump removal, aluminum can recycling, gravel driveway raking, car washing, window cleaning, pressure washing, painting, and random yard work to an established, weekly landscape maintenance route with several of his neighbors – several of whom lived overseas and trusted him with the care of their properties for months at a time. Chris’s first “employee” was his next door neighbor, a childhood friend who he put in charge of his lawn mowing route while on vacation with his family one summer at Lake Powell. Coming home to see the work done, making a little extra on top of what he paid his friend, was very satisfying to him, and changed his mindset forever.


Fast forward to the early 2000’s, Chris founded the original Santa Barbara Clearview to help his brothers, their friends, and himself earn money and pay for college education. Being the oldest of 4 boys, it was only natural for each of his younger brothers to follow in his footsteps and help support the growth of business while also saving for their own tuition expenses. By the late 2000’s, each of Chris’s brothers and friends had moved on to other career paths leaving the business more in the hands of Chris and his sweet wife Jen, a highly regarded CPA and exceptionally bright UCSB grad. Needless to say, Chris and Jen have learned to balance their unique talents and roles quite well over the years, and have raised three delightful girls along the way. Also considered family, the Hulme’s have been very fortunate to attract and fulfill projects with incredibly talented and detail oriented local trade professionals.


And now, with well over 20 years delivering quality and excellence, Clearview employs nearly 30 individuals who each help support their own local families. Our team is sincerely grateful to all the individuals living within the Santa Barbara community who have continually shown appreciation for our services over the years. Feeling valued for our efforts to improve and maintain all the incredible properties we have been fortunate enough to work on is a sensation like no other, one we continue to strive for in all our work today. 

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